JobEngel works on the principle of not applying, but being requested by companies.
Our focus is on the essentials: matching the skills of applicants with the requirements of the companies.
And if you are in a particular hurry, just let us know your desired company. We will then take care of the application for you - free of charge, of course.
Do you have any questions or suggestions?
Send us a message.
JobEngel App
Mit der kostenlosen JobEngel-App erstellen und veröffentlichen Sie Ihre JobEngel-Profile in wenigen Minuten.
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JobEngel for employees
Data-saving and non-discriminatory, JobEngel already implements the neutral application 100% today. Compile your profile in a few minutes and let employers approach you.
JobEngel for companies
With JobEngel for Business you can directly find, compare and contact the right candidates. With search profiles, automatic notifications and many other useful features you save time and money.
JobAngel for personnel consultants
With JobEngel for recruiters you can easily share profiles. Network with other small and medium sized recruiters and become even more successful and relevant. In addition, all the features of a company account are available to you.